Electricitystanding charge per annum  € 114,00
consumption  € 0,35 per Kw/H
Water€ 6,00 per m3
Trailer slipsper turn € 23,00
car auto + trailer parking  € 23,00
Indoor winter storage€ 62,00 per m2 per ½ annum
Outdoor winter storage€ 31,00 per m2 per ½ annum
Derrick/chock rental€ 291,00 per ½ annum
Outside garaging on derrick€ 1,05 p. m2 p. day, after 30 days
€ 1,30 p.m2 p. day 
Indoor garaging on derrick€ 1,90 p. m2 p. day, after 30 days
€ 2,40 p.m2 p. day
Boat lift
0 - 8 ton€ 152,00
8 - 12 ton€ 195,00
12 - 20 ton€ 303,00
20 - 30 ton€ 423,00
30 - 40 ton€ 552,00
Mast crane€ 120,00 per hour including labour
Storage of mastIndoor in mast rack , € 15,00 per meter per ½ annum
Hosing down€ 91,00 per hour, min. 1 hour, incl. labour,
€ 49,00 per hour, self-service
Towing service€ 142,00 per hour, incl. crew, excl. staff
Harbour jeep or tractor€ 142,00 per hour, min. 15 min., incl.driver
Handing in old oil€ 3,00 per litre
Environmental surcharge(for environmentally hazardous activities) €44,00
LaunderetteLaunderette token  € 5,00
Drying token   € 0,50
Washing powder  € 0,50

All prices inclusive of VAT. Printing errors and right to amend prices reserved.

N.B.: The above rates for workvessels, commercial vessels and professional shipping: x 150%